Highland Park

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Highland Park B11 Front.png
Highland Park B11.png
Highland Park B11 Front.png

Highland Park


DISTILLERY: Highland Park

ABV: 55.5%

AGE: 17 Years

CAT: Single Malt Scotch Whisky

BATCH: #11

RRP: £89.95

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Whisky writer Michael Jackson described Highland Park as being “the greatest all-rounder in the world of malt whisky.”

Our Highland Park was laid down in May 2006, and spent most of its life in a refill hoagie until we finished it in a PX barrel. We’re expecting just 480 bottles.

The Highland Park distillery is one of a handful that still operate floor maltings at the distillery. Currently 30% is floor malted at the distillery, and local island peat is used in the drying process. The floor malted malt is peated to 30-40ppm, and the malt that has been bought from mainland maltsters is unpeated. The two different malts are always mixed before mashing.


An initial coastal minerality of dried seashells. Sweet, with notes of crystallised oranges, vanilla, dried fruits; papaya, sultanas.and pineapple cubes, while gentle wood smoke plays drifts in and out


A luscious and silky mouthfeel, with a burst of sweetness from the PX sherry influence. Creamy vanilla custard loaded with ripe first fruits, their signature mild heathery peat smoke adding depth and complexity.


Doomsday Clock - A recent news article stated that Orkney could leave the UK to become a self-governing territory of Norway after its council opted to explore “alternative forms of governance”. A motion has been put forward by the Orkney Islands council leader, to explore its “Nordic connections”.

The clock could be ticking for Highland Park as Scotch whisky!